Ruri Nagase, a teenage citizen of Isesaki, Japan, is interviewed by Joe Daues in the studio of KSPR 33 about her reactions to the ongoing crisis in Japan. Ruri was visiting Springfield last Friday as part of a homestay exchange when news of the massive earthquake and tsunami in Japan reached Missouri. SSCA boardmember Mika Logan was in the KSPR studio to interpret Ruri’s answers about her family, the current condition of Isesaki and Japan, and her concerns for her return trip home.
Following the interview, Mika announced that the Springfield Sister Cities Association is collecting donations to send or take directly to Isesaki so that our Sister City can distribute the donations to the place of most need. In the past, Isesaki has generously sent us aid following national and local emergencies including 9-11, Katrina, and the 2007 Ozarks Ice Storm. For more information about making a donation, go to our article Springfield Sister Cities Association Accepting Donations for Japan Relief.